Sponsor an Ad in the Annual Recognition Dinner Dance Program

Advertise your business, honor a loved one, or send us a special message while supporting SCPF

Sponsor an Ad in the Annual Recognition Dinner Dance Program image


raised towards $3,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Advertise your business, honor a loved one, or send us a special message while supporting SCPF

Make a Lasting Impression

On Saturday, March 2, 2024, we will host our Annual Recognition Dinner Dance at Cloister in the Woods, Munster, Ind., in celebration of our 48th year of commitment to improving the quality of life for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Proceeds from the event go directly to family support services, community living services, community day services, and employment services for the more than 500 individuals we assist.

Each dinner guest will receive a keepsake printed program/ad book. This is a great way to advertise your business, honor a loved one, or send us a special message while supporting SCPF and the services we offer to our community. If you or your company is interested in placing an ad, select your level here and email your copy and art to jgray@scpf-inc.org.

With your support, South Chicago Parents and Friends, Inc. is able to continue our mission of empowering the individuals we serve to be productive and valued members of society. It is exciting to acknowledge that the dream and vision of our founding families and community supporters is alive and well all these years later!