Create an Oasis of Calm image

Create an Oasis of Calm

Support the SCPF Sensory Spaces

$18,005 raised

$30,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Your 2024 Donation Will Be Super-Sized!

We are very honored to have been invited again to participate in the Coleman Challenge Grant, running from November 1 through December 31, 2024. The Coleman Foundation is offering a match for each dollar contributed to SCPF within that date range, up to $30,000. Even Annual Showcase Sponsorships will earn a match. This year, there's an added perk: individual donations will be matched one-to-one, contributions by corporations/businesses will be matched two-to-one, and gifts from private foundations will yield a three-to-one match!

What will your donation fund? Well, many of the individuals we support at South Chicago Parents & Friends have sensory processing challenges that impact their daily lives. The therapeutic benefits of a well-designed sensory room can contribute greatly to the overall emotional well-being and quality of life for those who require extra sensory stimulus as well as those who benefit from reducing stimuli. These spaces can help reduce anxiety, improve focus, and enhance communication skills. We are grateful to be working with doctoral students from Governors State University to establish an evidence-based, client-centered sensory room for our Community Day Service program at the Cap Center using private grant money. Gifts made this year-end will go directly to equipping a duplicate space at the Dolton Center so that CDS attendees in both locations may benefit.